So, not many posts lately...whats up with that? Ok, so I read somewhere recently (not like I needed to read somewhere to realize this) that you can free up space (duh) and speed up your computer if you go through and delete unnecessary photos. This is kind of a no brainer, but after years and years of ridiculously many photos - my friends and family will vouch for me, I have quite a plethora of pictures. And so, for the past week, all the time spent on my computer has been going through albums deleting duplicate photos, pictures of the floor, blurry images, close-ups of people's noses, get the picture. And I am stillll not done- but, I thought I would take a moment to share a new post. As I was going through photos from my last semester of college, I came across these photos I took at the Lakewood Blueclaws game last spring. The game was sponsored by my school (Georgian Court University) and also happened to be a fireworks night - such a fun time! I loveee fireworks, and anything firey at that :) So, I thought I would share these photos with you. Long shutter, good stuff. Not the best, but still fun. Oh and BTW, I am researching new cameras - SO EXCITED :) Enjoy the pics!

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